Many of our service users have key safes that assist our carers to gain entry to their homes and CareLine alarms should they need emergency assistance.

Both of these items make all the difference to an elderly person who has mobility problems, may be confined to bed or someone who has had a fall and is on the floor.

With a press of a button you can alert the emergency alarm team you need help and having a key safe in place makes gaining entry to a property easier and far quicker.
Support me at home encourage as many people as we can to have a key safe and a CareLine installed.

If your elderly relative lives at home alone this is more important than ever.

When an elderly person falls at home and no-one knows until hours after, the consequences can be fatal.

If your relative does not have a CareLine alarm we can give you information on how to get one installed and as we feel this is paramount to an elderly person’s safety, SMAH now stocks key safes in both our shops for £11.99.
We can also programme the code on your behalf.